Effective protection of your products depends largely on the quality of the packaging materials that you use. Not only do they ensure your items arrive in a good condition, but they can also help to reduce your shipping costs.

Here are a few things that you should consider when deciding on packaging materials for your products.

The type of product
Are your goods expensive or fragile? Do they contain liquid? What are they made of? These are just some of the questions you should ask yourself when choosing the right materials for your packaging.

Shipping and handling
Environmental conditions and shipping are also important factors that influence your packaging needs. Products are often exposed to shock and vibration in transit, and may be accidentally dropped or thrown around during handling.

Macfarlane’s Tri-Mite containers combine the attributes of hardwearing corrugated board with accurately machined joints. This makes them particularly suitable for heavy-duty tasks and ensures your products are well protected during transport and storage.

Is your product sensitive to moisture and light, and is it easily perishable? You can reduce the risk of damage by understanding how it is going to be stored and how far it will travel.

Transportation mode
Each method of transport has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Products transported on ships are exposed to moisture and may be susceptible to mould. Goods delivered by couriers are prone to rough handling, vibration and even theft.

Ensure that you know both the risks and benefits associated with your selected transport. This will help you choose the best packaging materials for your products.

Hazardous goods
Goods such as paint, perfume, bleach and nail vanish are considered hazardous, and are subject to strict international regulations. Each item needs to be equipped with an UN-recognised code and packed and labelled accordingly.

At Macfarlane, we can help you meet these requirements by providing the necessary packaging. Visit our website to learn more about the different packaging materials that we have to offer or contact us today by calling 0844 770 1417.


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